About me

I am Kamil Konderak, a Cloud Architect/geek. 🤓

I became passionate about the IT the very first day I had a chance to use computers. 🖥

For the past few years, I've been focused on developing my Microsoft Azure skills. Starting from infrastructure, through the software development of cloud-native applications and automating every part of cloud solutions delivery. I love challenges, they drive me to learn more, and understand why is that and why not the other way around. Every day I learn something new. Sometimes it requires dozens of hours of trying and looking for the right source. I will be sharing interesting articles and news, things that I learned recently, and how-to guides to help you grow your cloud computing skills.

On daily basis I work as Cloud Architect helping organizations get the best out of the Cloud environment, I put great care in areas of education, security, cost optimization, and process automation. So if you are interested in general Cloud Architecture, tasks automation, and Dev/Chat/Git/Sec/Ops topics (huh, that's a lot...) - you are hereby welcome in a right place. 🤗

I listen to rock/metal music (almost) ALL THE TIME 🎧. In my spare time I enjoy riding my motorcycle or bicycle. Quite often I go for long walks in a forest to disconnect from tech-related things for a while.  

I also passed a few Microsoft Azure exams and obtained couple of certificates! 🏅

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