Hello World! πŸ‘‹

Hey! I am Kamil. I am glad to see you there.

On this blog, I will be sharing my experience and knowledge. You can expect news, case studies, and tutorials. I am constantly learning new things – you will find articles covering very basic stuff as well as posts addressing advanced and complex topics. If you are interested in Microsoft Azure and other cloud-related topics I hereby invite you to join my journey. πŸ€“

You might ask what topics am I going to cover there? My main areas of interest are Β Infra & Apps on Microsoft Azure. I will be writing about cloud-native and hybrid solutions. You will find a lot of guides on how to automate your infrastructure and apps that might help you drive cloud excellence initiatives in your organizations. I will not be limiting myself. If I find an interesting topic that is worth to be studied, you might expect an article in that area as well. πŸš€

I don't want to commit to how often things are going to be published, but I will do my best to publish at least once a week.

Wish me luck and happy reading! πŸ€“

If you want to stay up to date, please consider subscribing to my newsletter. πŸ“¨

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