Landing zone accelerator for Azure Arc-enabled servers

Are you wondering how to prepare your environment for a hybrid and multicloud scenario? Good news, Microsoft just launched Azure Arc-enabled servers landing zone accelerator within the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework.

Deploying hybrid or multicloud Landing Zone requires taking more considerations in comparison to pure cloud Landing Zone in following areas

  • Network topology and connectivity
  • Unified operational process controls for operations, governance, security, and compliance
  • Unified and consistent automation disciplines, development experience, and DevOps practices across heterogeneous environments

Recently released accelerator covers these topics supporting hybrid scenatios in building good foundations. Building landing zone is a crucial step in building environments that can get the most of the cloud. Following recomendations allows to build foundations quick and easy. Applying best practisies and standards ensures readiness for the future business growth.

Ready methodology for hybrid and multicloud strategy - Cloud Adoption Framework
Learn how to prepare your environment for a hybrid and multicloud scenario with Azure landing zones.

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